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Breastfeeding: Benefits, Tips, and Tricks

Writer's picture: Leonita Hoxhallari, RDLeonita Hoxhallari, RD

Updated: Jul 15, 2020

Breast is Best for many beneficial reasons, but this natural process has its challenges.

"It's not always rainbows and butterflies"

Nursing is natural, and for some it comes easy, while for others it can be daunting and challenging. Whatever you choose to do (whether formula or breast) making sure your baby is healthy and fed is most important.

I nursed my firstborn until she was 10 months. It was rewarding in many ways, although the beginning was tough! I saw a lactation consultant, which helped me get a better understanding of proper latching and various holding positions. Although I needed more than just a consult. I will go over some tips and tricks that helped me continue nursing my baby well over 6 months. Now that I have a newborn, I am back at square one. I will let you in on a little secret - if you can make it past that first month, it will get easier.

Continue reading to learn about the benefits of breastmilk. This is what always kept me motivated to overcome the hurdles and offer the breast as much as possible.

Benefits of Breastmilk and Breastfeeding

  • Helps support a healthy infant gut microbiome (good bacteria to promote gut health)

  • Antibodies and immune factors to help fight infection

  • Provides hormones that regulate appetite - may help reduce incidence of overweight and obesity later in life

  • Saves money

  • Access to milk anytime, anywhere

  • Easily digestible and absorbed (easy on infant tummy)

  • Helps mothers uterus shrink back to its normal size

  • May help promote bonding between mother and baby - skin to skin contact is beneficial

  • May help you lose some of that baby weight

  • Meets infant nutritional needs (supplementing with 400 IU of vitamin D per day may be required)

Breastmilk Composition

  • Colostrum (Liquid Gold) : yellow substance that is rich in protein, antibodies, vitamins and minerals

  • Transitional Milk: comes withinin 2-5 days, lasts about 2 weeks. Mainly colostrum, fat, lactose, and high in calories

  • Mature Milk: consists of 90% water, 10% is lactose, protein, fat, and micronutrients. Foremilk (mostly water) and Hindmilk (milk at end of feeding, mostly fat)

  • Carbohydrate: Mostly lactose and oligosaccharide - acts as a prebiotic to provide good gut bacteria and immunity

  • Fat: palmitic and oleic acids, DHA, and ARA.

  • Protein: low protein 2.5g, contains antimicrobial factors.

  • Vitamins and Minerals: Calcium, Sodium, Vitamin C, Iron, Zinc

Tips and Tricks to help support breastfeeding:

Nipple cream: It helps soothe sore nipples. Recommend using this right away - even days before baby is born. Put on immediately after each feeding.

Nipple shield: I used this mostly with my first. It helped to protect my cracked, and bleeding nipples until baby was able to get a good latch. Once latched on for a while I would remove the shield

Tea bags: A nurse told me about this one, and it actually helped. Place decaf tea bags in hot water. Let it cool down a bit and place the bags on sore nipples.

Hot/Cold Therapy Beads: Use the heated beads prior to feeding to help ease milk transition. Use cold beads after feeding or during engorgement.

Consult a lactation specialist: Sometimes you need that outside help from someone who can support you and offer you knowledge about proper techniques.

Use lots of pillows and nursing pillows: Use these to get in a comfortable position and to support baby during feeding sessions.

Get a hand pump: I found that a hand pump made it easier for me to pump anywhere and not be attached to a contraption that needed to be plugged in. It's easy to maneuver and you can take it anywhere.

Nursing bras: Make your life as easy as possible, these offer support and easy access to the boob. Sport bras may work. Also just wearing a spaghetti strap tank top works wonders!

Be persistent: I'm not going to sugar coat it, nursing is going to HURT, and it will hurt for a while! But if you keep reminding yourself about how it will help baby in the long run it makes it a little easier.

Stay Hydrated, Nourished, and Rest as much as possible: It will help give you energy to get up in the middle of the night to nurse, and to nurse at each cry, and to pump whenever needed. You will feel like your life is being sucked out of you, and in some ways it is. You are literally giving life and energy to your baby through breastmilk.

However things may end up, it's about giving breastfeeding a chance (if medically feasible). Although, you also have to think about your sanity, and if it's worth it for you.

I believe in you and applaud you for being the mother you are and taking care of your baby in the best way that works for the both of you.

I hope this was helpful. If you have more questions about breastmilk and nursing send me a message anytime!


1. “Infant and Young Child Feeding.” World Health Organization: Session 2, 2009.

2. Mueller, Meghan MS, RD, LCCE “Nutrition During Lactation: The First Year and Beyond.” Webinar.



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